Origin is the data analysis and graphing software of choice for over half a million scientists and engineers in commercial industries, academia, and government laboratories worldwide. Origin offers an easy-to-use interface for beginners, combined with the ability to perform advanced customization as you become more familiar with the application.
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With over 100 built-in and extended graph types and point-and-click customization of all elements, Origin makes it easy to create and customize publication-quality graphs. You can add additional axes and panels, add, remove plots, etc. to suit your needs. Batch plot new graphs with similar data structure, or save the customized graph as graph template or save customized elements as graph themes for future use.
A 3D OpenGL Surface Plot with multiple surfaces stacked in one graph layer. The graph has been customized by assigning a unique plot style and a custom Z offset to each surface. Some surfaces are also rendered as flat.
When merging individual graphs, check Treat Each Source Graph as a Unit to maintain the proper relationship of layers in individual graphs. In this example, each inset graph remains with its parent layer. An add labels option is also available to facilitate adding labels to each unit in the merged graph.
A multi-panel graph combining several layers of contour and line plots arranged flexibly. Note the inset layer on the bottom right panel. The top panel displays stacked lines by y offset allowing for easy comparison of multiple data plots.
In this graph, one dataset is plotted as a scatter graph + error bars. Because the data is dense, every other point is skipped using the Skip Points settings in Plot Details.The other two datasets are plotted as grouped line plots for easy customization. Their corresponding error bars are drawn as transparent bands. Vertical and Horizontal drop lines are drawn from a point to the axes, with the x and y values labeled.
Origin supports offsetting plots in the X and Y directions with no change in data values. Offset options include auto, cumulative, incremental, constant, and individual. In this graph we stacked curves with a pattern such as 0 -100 so each data pair stayed together. The color and style were customized to use repeated patterns. For such graphs, you can also drag a single curve to reposition it for comparison with another curve. The Legend is arranged in two columns and placed beside each plot pair.
A color mapped bubble chart. This is essentially a scatter plot with modifiers for symbol size and color, set using other data columns. Notice the bubble legend on the top left of the graph. This unique feature in Origin allows for various configurations for this legend. The powerful Color Chooser dialog is displayed on the right side. This dialog has several options including the ability to load a list of pre-defined colors.
This graph displays the relative quantities of size fractions of unconsolidated sedimentary materials with depth below the ground surface. Hatch (Fill) pattern selection has been enhanced for Origin 2017, including the addition of entirely new "Geology" fill patterns.
The graph is an example of a sunburst chart. A sunburst has multiple levels (represented by different rings), across which you can see how a category is split into contributing sub-categories. The color-indexing of the rings is done by values from the same "Browser" column in the worksheet.
In addition to support for multiple axis scale types such as linear, log10, and reciprocal, Origin supports creating scales using a custom formula. In this graph, the X axis scale was set using sqrt(x).
This graph displays the NASDAQ composite index over a period of several years. Notice the X axis where in addition to the yearly tick marks, special ticks and labels have been placed to mark significant events during that time period. Each special tick label can be individually formatted.
Create one combined legend or separate legends for each set of data plots in a multi-layer graph. In addition, there are shortcut menu options to rearrange, reorder, or further customize the data plot legend.
A scatter plot with modifiers for color and size, set using other data columns. Note the nested bubble scale legend at bottom left. The map of the continental USA was added to the graph using the Insert: Continental USA Map menu entry (The menu entry will be shown when the scale matches the range of the map's latitude and longitude)
Origin supports plotting 3D graphs from XYZ data, XYY data, matrix data and virtual matrix. The OpenGL graphic technology brought unltrafast performance and more flexibility to customize your 3D graphs.
This graph displays the topology of Mount St. Helens before and after the volcanic eruption in 1980. The data are plotted as two color map surface plots in the same OpenGL graph layer, with the top surface offset along the Z axis. A light source has been added to illuminate the surface. Isometric scaling has been applied so that the X, Y and Z axis lengths reflect true relative distances.
This graph displays the population of different counties by fetching map data from a new WMS server and then plotting 3D bars on top of the map plane. The Maps Online app offers a few built-in map data sources for users to choose from. You can also add your own map source. With Origin, it is very easy to place 3D bars on a map using the Layer Contents dialog.
This graph displays a 3D color map surface plot of Mount Everest region. The surface is overlaid by a 3D scatter plot with label to highlight the peaks. Origin supports free rotation of OpenGL graphs by simply holding down the R key and using the mouse. Additional options for rotating, resizing, stretching and skewing are available when the 3D graph layer is selected. The graph can be created from an online template, 3D Surface Map
Origin supports Mini Toolbar for quick and easy operations on graphs and worksheet/matrix. These toolbars are sensitive to the type of object selected. The buttons in the pop up provide access to all of the common customization options, so you can perform quick changes without opening complex dialogs.
You can import Excel files or open them directly in Origin (by launching an OLE instance of Excel). We recommend importing your Excel data, so that you have full access to Origin's powerful graphing and analysis environment.
The Digitizer tool in Origin lets you generate data from images of graphs. Cartesian, ternary, and polar coordinates are supported. Digitizing methods include manual or semi-automated operations. Multiple curves can be digitized, and points can be reordered and visualized in the result graphing and data worksheet.
This version introduces a set of Browser Graph templates that allow for quick and easy exploration of multi-column data: Allow quick selection of columns to plot, such as by picking every Nth column
Choice of line, histogram or stacked graphs
Interactively turn selected plots on/off to explore
Sort plots using any metadata value
Flip through plots in browser graph
Options to add data from current sheet or other sheets or books
Turn Browser Panel on for regular graphs
Spawn new graph with selected plots
The new Data Slicer feature allows you to change filter conditions directly on a graph for easy data exploration. Simply set up filters on desired worksheet columns, create a graph with one or more layers, and turn on the Data Slicer panel to control the filters. Features include: Mini Toolbar to toggle Data Slicer panel Directly disable or enable filters from the graph Text filter has option for single entry allowing for easy switch of filter conditon Numeric filters allow several conditions including combinations with AND or OR
The Data Reader tool and the Data Info Window in Origin allow you to explore your data graphically. You can customize the display to include information from other columns of the worksheet, including images embedded in worksheet cells.
Origin provides a selection of Gadgets to perform exploratory analysis of data from a graph. A region of interest (ROI) control allows you to interactively specify the subset of data to be analyzed. Results from the analysis are dynamically updated on top of the ROI as it is resized or moved. This image shows peak fitting being performed using the Quick Fit gadget.
Two statistics gadgets are applied to this graph to report statistics in two regions of interest (ROI). Mean and 1st SD lines and corresponding values are are displayed in each ROI. The Y axis is moved to separate the two regions. Yellow ROI boxes are hidden so that they do not show in printouts. The "S" button on upper-right corner re-displays the ROI boxes when clicked.
The Quick Fit Gadget lets you perform linear, polynomial, or nonlinear curve fitting on data plots in a graph. Notice the label on top of the ROI displaying the slope and Pearson's r from a linear fit . The label updates dynamically as the ROI is moved or resized.
The Cluster Gadget available in OriginPro lets you interact with data in a graph within a region of interest (ROI). The ROI can be rectangular, elliptical, polygon or arbitrary hand-draw shape. The tool provides statistics on data inside and outside the ROI, and also lets you copy, clear, mask or delete selected data.
When working with replicate data, Origin can perform a Concatenated Fit where the replicates are combined internally to a single dataset. The graph included in the report sheet can either represent the data in replicate form, or as mean values with SD or SE error bars. A Quick Sigmoidal Fit Gadget is also available. 2ff7e9595c